Control and prevention service dedicated to contact lens wearers
Do you regularly check the health of your eyes?
Do you wear contact lenses every day?
Check that wearing lenses has not caused an alteration of your ocular microbiota predisposing you to infections.
The LUCY LAC check up for contact lenses evaluates the health of the ocular surface and consequently prevents the resulting infectious complications from the use of contact lenses of all types.
The purpose of this test is to evaluate your health status of the ocular surface and is performed by searching for those known microorganisms to be involved in the most serious infectious diseases of the cornea. This test can be repeated periodically to identify the presence of pathogens before they cause involvement infectious disease of the ocular surface. The test is suitable for all contact lens wearers, adults and children, painless, non-invasive, useful for preventing the health of your eyes.
Making the test is easy!
  • Buy the product, you will receive it directly at home.
  • Insert one or both contact lenses into the test tube after wearing them during the day.
  • Deliver the test tube inserted in the bag to the TNT point closest to you.
  • In the following days you will receive the test report directly to the email address you indicated.
Test result
Green light
Absence of critical pathogens.
Normal situation.
No action required.
Red light
Presence of pathogens detected critical to the formation of Keratitis.
We recommend that you contact your ophthalmologist.
When the test will be delivered directly to your home go to the "How to make test" page and follow the instructions, in a few steps you can check the health of your eyes.
It is recommended to repeat the test on a regular basis.

"Finalmente un test certo! Grazie al nuovo oculista che ha finalmente trovato il modo di capire il mio problema."

Federica M.

"Per una problematica di occhio secco, il mio oculista mi ha proposto un tampone oculare, esame non invasivo e che gli ha permesso, attraverso la lettura dell’esito del tampone di consigliarmi il prodotto più indicato. Consigliatissimo."

Carlo A.

"Finalmente un oculista che ha capito il mio problema, è bastato un semplice test."

Sergio Z.
Eyemetagenomics Ltd
71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden
Il risultato del test, così come eventuali interventi di qualsiasi natura (farmacologica e non) da assumere, deve essere valutato nell’ambito di una consulenza con un medico qualificato e non può prescindere da un corretto inquadramento anamnestico del paziente né da eventuali ulteriori indagini.

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